Programme YOUNG UNICA WORKSHOP (YUW)  Zeist 2019

This event will be held in the Copijnzaal.

The YOUNG UNICA WORKSHOP will take place during the UNICA Film Festival 2019 from Saturday 24 August to Sunday 1 September 2019 in the Figi Theatre in Zeist, coached by Lazlo and Dylan Tonk (


Theme: "Visualising change".

“Change is a topic at the core of all storytelling (woman learns to forgive her mother, young person realises parents were not perfect, first time facing crime/drugs/sex/heartbreak etc.)  

Stories can have a powerful impact on their audience. Your film could inspire change in this world by presenting ideas with compelling imagery.

Throughout the course of one week, you will shape a story, bring characters to life and create a visual work of art that embodies the change you want to see in the world or represents a change you experienced yourself”.

Workshop participants are coached in making a film (fiction or non-fiction) and go through all the steps of the process:

  • Development: forming ideas, screenwriting
  • Pre-production: casting, locations, crew, equipment
  • Production: directing and shooting
  • Post-production: reviewing, editing, grading, sound design

Every day, Lazlo and Dylan will discuss parts of the film making process through examples, instructions and assignments for the participants.

N.B. in consultation with Dylan and Lazlo, every participant will on request have the opportunity to watch the films of the festival!

In the evenings all young people can watch the UNICA films and attend the jury discussion.


Saturday 24 August

  • Arrival of international participants at Utrecht Central Station before 16:00 hrs.
  • Checking in at Stone Hostel
  • Group takes the bus to Hotel Figi in Zeist for the opening ceremony


Sunday 25 August

10:00 - 12:00 hrs.

  • Getting to know each other.
  • Groups form an idea for a film according to their own preference

13:00 - 15:00 hrs.

  • Explanation and examples of story design.
  • Working on the paper phase to define the film idea

15:00 - 17:00 hrs.

  • Preparing Film Pitch ideas
  • Write scenario treatment

17:00 – 19:00 hrs. Pizza-Pitch

  • During the meal the groups will pitch their ideas to the (invited) senior UNICA participants (max. 15).

          The seniors offer a wider range of experience, ask the right questions and give feedback. It will help the young authors to shape and improve their initial film ideas.

Evening: Watch the films of the festival and attend a jury discussion.


Monday 26 August

All day excursion with all the UNICA visitors.


Tuesday 27 August

10:00 - 12:00 hrs.

  • Theory and examples Direction
  • Examples visual styles
  • Camera assignment: each group chooses 3 styles to shoot the subject
  • Elaboration of the scenarios

13:00 - 17:00 hrs.

  • Complete the scenarios
  • Prepare for shooting

Evening: Explore the city of Utrecht with Lazlo and Dylan and have dinner there.


Wednesday 28 August

10:00 - 12:00 hrs.

  • Assignment: ways to direct actors
  • Divide tasks and make plans
  • Create shot lists

Afternoon and evening: Excursion with all the UNICA visitors.


Thursday 29 August

10:00 – 17:00  hrs.

  • Shoot the films


Friday 30 August

10:00 - 12:00 hrs.

  • Edit the films
  • Prepare the Presentation of the Workshop films
  • Prepare for the discussion (on Saturday morning)

13:00 – 17:00  hrs.

  • View the first versions
  • Process the feedback
  • Finalise the edits

Evening: Assisting at the World Minute Movie Cup (fun!)


Saturday 31 August

10:00 - 11:30 hrs.Tersteegzaal

  • Exchange YOUNG meets OLD(er): discussion theme: “Cinema without Borders“.
    "Borders for directors in the past, present and future?”

    Possible Topics to discuss (still to be determined):

    • What causes boundaries to shift? Technically, politically, economically, socially, ethically? 
    • What kind of boundaries in filmmaking are young people versus seniors confronted with?
    • What is the importance of cinema as a means of communication in today's society?
    • What does the future look like in terms of freedom of speech? And in relation to social media?
  • Closure and evaluation

13:00 – 16:00 hrs.

  • Submit films, latest at 16:00 hrs.!!
  • Prepare for presentation and closing ceremony
  • Visit NOVA Youth Film Festival (also in Figi) = optional

18:00 hrs.

  • Presentation YUW films

Evening: closing ceremony and closing dinner


Sunday 1 September

Pack bags, say farewells, and depart for home.

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